
Obrnuti niz u C

U ovoj će se temi raspravljati o nekoliko načina preokretanja niza u programskom jeziku C. Okretanje niza je tehnika koja preokreće ili mijenja redoslijed danog niza tako da zadnji znak niza postane prvi znak niza i tako dalje. Nadalje, također možemo provjeriti palindrom zadanog niza okretanjem originalnog niza.

Na primjer, unosimo niz ' JABUKA ', a zatim upotrijebite obrnuti algoritam. Obrnuti algoritam vraća niz ' ELPPA ' koji je potpuno obrnut od izvornog niza.

Obrnuti niz u C

Različiti načini pronalaženja naličja niza u C

Slijede različiti načini pronalaženja naličja niza u programskom jeziku C:

  1. Obrnuti niz pomoću funkcije strrev().
  2. Preokrenuti niz bez korištenja funkcije knjižnice
  3. Obrnuti niz pomoću funkcije rekurzije
  4. Obrnuti niz koristeći for petlju
  5. Obrnuti niz koristeći while petlju
  6. Obrnuti niz pomoću pokazivača
  7. Okrenite niz da biste provjerili palindrom

Program 1: Ispis naličja niza pomoću funkcije strrev().

Razmotrimo primjer ispisa naličja niza pomoću funkcije strrev().


nginx varijable
 #include #include int main() { char str[40]; // declare the size of character string printf (' 
 Enter a string to be reversed: '); scanf ('%s', str); // use strrev() function to reverse a string printf (' 
 After the reverse of a string: %s ', strrev(str)); return 0; } 


 Enter a string to be reversed: AMBULANCE After the reverse of a string: ECNALUBMA 

Program 2: Ispis naličja niza bez korištenja funkcije knjižnice

Razmotrimo primjer ispisa naličja niza pomoću korisnički definirane funkcije.


 #include #include // function definition of the revstr() void revstr(char *str1) { // declare variable int i, len, temp; len = strlen(str1); // use strlen() to get the length of str string // use for loop to iterate the string for (i = 0; i <len 2; i++) { temp variable use to temporary hold the string str1[i]="str1[len" - i 1]; str1[len 1]="temp;" } int main() char str[50]; size of printf (' enter string: '); gets(str); gets() function take 
 before reversing %s 
', str); call revstr() revstr(str); after %s', < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the string: Welcome Friends Before reversing the string: Welcome Friends After reversing the string: sdneirF emocleW </pre> <h3>Program 3: Print the reverse of a string using the recursion function</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to print the reverse of a string using the recursion function.</p> <p> <strong>Recursion function:</strong> A recursion function is a function that continuously calls the same function without using a looping statement.</p> <p> <strong>Program3.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include // use recursion function void revstr(char *str1) { // declare static variable static int i, len, temp; len = strlen(str1); // use strlen() to get the length of str string if (i <len 2){ temp variable use to temporary hold the string str1[i]="str1[len" - i 1]; str1[len 1]="temp;" i++; revstr(str1); recusively calls revstr() function } int main() { char str1[50]; size of printf (' enter string: '); gets(str1); gets() take 
 before reversing %s 
', str1); call after %s', < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the string: LIFE INSURANCE Before reversing the string: LIFE INSURANCE After reversing the string: ECNARUSNI EFIL </pre> <h3>Program 4: Print the reverse of a string using for loop</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to print the reverse of a string using for loop in C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program4.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include void main() { char str[50], temp; // define the size of str[] array int i, left, right, len; printf (&apos; 
 Display a reverse string in the C: 
&apos;); printf (&apos; ----------------------- &apos;); printf (&apos; 
 Enter a string to reverse order: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, &amp;str); len = strlen(str); // get the length of the string left = 0; // set left index at 0 right = len - 1; // set right index len - 1 // use for loop to store the reverse string for (i = left; i <right; i++) { temp="str[i];" str[i]="str[right];" str[right]="temp;" right--; } printf (' the reverse of original string is: %s ', str); getch(); < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Display a reverse string in the C: ----------------------- Enter a string to reverse order: APPLE The reverse of the original string is: ELPPA </pre> <h3>Program 5: Print the reverse of a string using while loop</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to print the reverse of a string using while loop in C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program5.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { char str1[50], temp; // declare and initialize the size of string array. int i = 0, j =0; printf (&apos; Enter a string to be reversed: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, str1); j = strlen (str1) - 1; // get the length of the string // use while loop to define the condition while ( i <j) 1 { use temp variable to store the characters of str1 str1[j]="str1[i];" str1[i]="temp;" i++; i incremented by j--; j is decremented } printf (' reversed string: %s', str1); return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string to be reversed: JAVATPOINT The reversed of the string: TNIOPTAVAJ </pre> <h3>Program 6: Print the reverse of a string using pointers</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to print the reverse of a string using pointers in the C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program6.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int str_len( char *st); void revstr( char *st); int main() { char st[50]; printf (&apos; Enter a string to be reversed: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, st); revstr(st); printf (&apos; The reverse string is: %s&apos;, st); return 0; } void revstr (char *st) { int len, i; char *start, *end, temp; len = str_len (st); start = st; end = st; for (i = 0; i <len - 1; i++) end++; for (i="0;" i < len 2; { temp="*end;" *end="*start;" *start="temp;" start++; end--; } int str_len (char *ptr) while ( *(ptr + i) !="" ) i++; return i; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string to be reversed: JAVATPOINT The reverse string is: TNIOPTAVAJ </pre> <h3>Program 7: Program to check whether the reverse string is a Palindrome</h3> <p>Consider a program to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not in the C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program7.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main () { // declare variables char str1[30]; int i, len, flag = 0; printf (&apos; Enter a string: &apos;); scanf (&apos;%s&apos;, str1); len = strlen( str1 ); // get the string length for ( i = 0; i <len; i++) { str1[i] is not equal to str1[len-i-1] if (str1[i] !="str1[len" - i 1]) flag="1;" break; exit from statement } (flag) printf (' %s a palindrome string', str1); else palindrome', return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string: madam madam is a palindrome string. </pre> <hr></len;></pre></len></pre></j)></pre></right;></pre></len></pre></len>

Program 3: Ispis naličja niza pomoću funkcije rekurzije

Razmotrimo primjer ispisa naličja niza pomoću funkcije rekurzije.

Rekurzivna funkcija: Rekurzivna funkcija je funkcija koja kontinuirano poziva istu funkciju bez upotrebe naredbe o petlji.

funkcije niza java


 #include #include // use recursion function void revstr(char *str1) { // declare static variable static int i, len, temp; len = strlen(str1); // use strlen() to get the length of str string if (i <len 2){ temp variable use to temporary hold the string str1[i]="str1[len" - i 1]; str1[len 1]="temp;" i++; revstr(str1); recusively calls revstr() function } int main() { char str1[50]; size of printf (\' enter string: \'); gets(str1); gets() take 
 before reversing %s 
\', str1); call after %s\', < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter the string: LIFE INSURANCE Before reversing the string: LIFE INSURANCE After reversing the string: ECNARUSNI EFIL </pre> <h3>Program 4: Print the reverse of a string using for loop</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to print the reverse of a string using for loop in C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program4.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include #include void main() { char str[50], temp; // define the size of str[] array int i, left, right, len; printf (&apos; 
 Display a reverse string in the C: 
&apos;); printf (&apos; ----------------------- &apos;); printf (&apos; 
 Enter a string to reverse order: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, &amp;str); len = strlen(str); // get the length of the string left = 0; // set left index at 0 right = len - 1; // set right index len - 1 // use for loop to store the reverse string for (i = left; i <right; i++) { temp="str[i];" str[i]="str[right];" str[right]="temp;" right--; } printf (\' the reverse of original string is: %s \', str); getch(); < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Display a reverse string in the C: ----------------------- Enter a string to reverse order: APPLE The reverse of the original string is: ELPPA </pre> <h3>Program 5: Print the reverse of a string using while loop</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to print the reverse of a string using while loop in C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program5.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { char str1[50], temp; // declare and initialize the size of string array. int i = 0, j =0; printf (&apos; Enter a string to be reversed: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, str1); j = strlen (str1) - 1; // get the length of the string // use while loop to define the condition while ( i <j) 1 { use temp variable to store the characters of str1 str1[j]="str1[i];" str1[i]="temp;" i++; i incremented by j--; j is decremented } printf (\' reversed string: %s\', str1); return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string to be reversed: JAVATPOINT The reversed of the string: TNIOPTAVAJ </pre> <h3>Program 6: Print the reverse of a string using pointers</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to print the reverse of a string using pointers in the C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program6.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int str_len( char *st); void revstr( char *st); int main() { char st[50]; printf (&apos; Enter a string to be reversed: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, st); revstr(st); printf (&apos; The reverse string is: %s&apos;, st); return 0; } void revstr (char *st) { int len, i; char *start, *end, temp; len = str_len (st); start = st; end = st; for (i = 0; i <len - 1; i++) end++; for (i="0;" i < len 2; { temp="*end;" *end="*start;" *start="temp;" start++; end--; } int str_len (char *ptr) while ( *(ptr + i) !="" ) i++; return i; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string to be reversed: JAVATPOINT The reverse string is: TNIOPTAVAJ </pre> <h3>Program 7: Program to check whether the reverse string is a Palindrome</h3> <p>Consider a program to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not in the C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program7.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main () { // declare variables char str1[30]; int i, len, flag = 0; printf (&apos; Enter a string: &apos;); scanf (&apos;%s&apos;, str1); len = strlen( str1 ); // get the string length for ( i = 0; i <len; i++) { str1[i] is not equal to str1[len-i-1] if (str1[i] !="str1[len" - i 1]) flag="1;" break; exit from statement } (flag) printf (\' %s a palindrome string\', str1); else palindrome\', return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string: madam madam is a palindrome string. </pre> <hr></len;></pre></len></pre></j)></pre></right;></pre></len>

Program 4: Ispis naličja niza pomoću for petlje

Razmotrimo primjer ispisa naličja niza pomoću petlje for u programskom jeziku C.


 #include #include #include void main() { char str[50], temp; // define the size of str[] array int i, left, right, len; printf (&apos; 
 Display a reverse string in the C: 
&apos;); printf (&apos; ----------------------- &apos;); printf (&apos; 
 Enter a string to reverse order: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, &amp;str); len = strlen(str); // get the length of the string left = 0; // set left index at 0 right = len - 1; // set right index len - 1 // use for loop to store the reverse string for (i = left; i <right; i++) { temp="str[i];" str[i]="str[right];" str[right]="temp;" right--; } printf (\' the reverse of original string is: %s \', str); getch(); < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Display a reverse string in the C: ----------------------- Enter a string to reverse order: APPLE The reverse of the original string is: ELPPA </pre> <h3>Program 5: Print the reverse of a string using while loop</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to print the reverse of a string using while loop in C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program5.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main() { char str1[50], temp; // declare and initialize the size of string array. int i = 0, j =0; printf (&apos; Enter a string to be reversed: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, str1); j = strlen (str1) - 1; // get the length of the string // use while loop to define the condition while ( i <j) 1 { use temp variable to store the characters of str1 str1[j]="str1[i];" str1[i]="temp;" i++; i incremented by j--; j is decremented } printf (\' reversed string: %s\', str1); return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string to be reversed: JAVATPOINT The reversed of the string: TNIOPTAVAJ </pre> <h3>Program 6: Print the reverse of a string using pointers</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to print the reverse of a string using pointers in the C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program6.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int str_len( char *st); void revstr( char *st); int main() { char st[50]; printf (&apos; Enter a string to be reversed: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, st); revstr(st); printf (&apos; The reverse string is: %s&apos;, st); return 0; } void revstr (char *st) { int len, i; char *start, *end, temp; len = str_len (st); start = st; end = st; for (i = 0; i <len - 1; i++) end++; for (i="0;" i < len 2; { temp="*end;" *end="*start;" *start="temp;" start++; end--; } int str_len (char *ptr) while ( *(ptr + i) !="" ) i++; return i; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string to be reversed: JAVATPOINT The reverse string is: TNIOPTAVAJ </pre> <h3>Program 7: Program to check whether the reverse string is a Palindrome</h3> <p>Consider a program to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not in the C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program7.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main () { // declare variables char str1[30]; int i, len, flag = 0; printf (&apos; Enter a string: &apos;); scanf (&apos;%s&apos;, str1); len = strlen( str1 ); // get the string length for ( i = 0; i <len; i++) { str1[i] is not equal to str1[len-i-1] if (str1[i] !="str1[len" - i 1]) flag="1;" break; exit from statement } (flag) printf (\' %s a palindrome string\', str1); else palindrome\', return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string: madam madam is a palindrome string. </pre> <hr></len;></pre></len></pre></j)></pre></right;>

Program 5: Ispis naličja niza pomoću while petlje

Razmotrimo primjer ispisa naličja niza pomoću while petlje u programskom jeziku C.


 #include #include int main() { char str1[50], temp; // declare and initialize the size of string array. int i = 0, j =0; printf (&apos; Enter a string to be reversed: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, str1); j = strlen (str1) - 1; // get the length of the string // use while loop to define the condition while ( i <j) 1 { use temp variable to store the characters of str1 str1[j]="str1[i];" str1[i]="temp;" i++; i incremented by j--; j is decremented } printf (\' reversed string: %s\', str1); return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string to be reversed: JAVATPOINT The reversed of the string: TNIOPTAVAJ </pre> <h3>Program 6: Print the reverse of a string using pointers</h3> <p>Let&apos;s consider an example to print the reverse of a string using pointers in the C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program6.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int str_len( char *st); void revstr( char *st); int main() { char st[50]; printf (&apos; Enter a string to be reversed: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, st); revstr(st); printf (&apos; The reverse string is: %s&apos;, st); return 0; } void revstr (char *st) { int len, i; char *start, *end, temp; len = str_len (st); start = st; end = st; for (i = 0; i <len - 1; i++) end++; for (i="0;" i < len 2; { temp="*end;" *end="*start;" *start="temp;" start++; end--; } int str_len (char *ptr) while ( *(ptr + i) !="" ) i++; return i; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string to be reversed: JAVATPOINT The reverse string is: TNIOPTAVAJ </pre> <h3>Program 7: Program to check whether the reverse string is a Palindrome</h3> <p>Consider a program to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not in the C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program7.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main () { // declare variables char str1[30]; int i, len, flag = 0; printf (&apos; Enter a string: &apos;); scanf (&apos;%s&apos;, str1); len = strlen( str1 ); // get the string length for ( i = 0; i <len; i++) { str1[i] is not equal to str1[len-i-1] if (str1[i] !="str1[len" - i 1]) flag="1;" break; exit from statement } (flag) printf (\' %s a palindrome string\', str1); else palindrome\', return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string: madam madam is a palindrome string. </pre> <hr></len;></pre></len></pre></j)>

Program 6: Ispis naličja niza pomoću pokazivača

Razmotrimo primjer ispisa naličja niza pomoću pokazivača u programskom jeziku C.


 #include #include int str_len( char *st); void revstr( char *st); int main() { char st[50]; printf (&apos; Enter a string to be reversed: &apos;); scanf( &apos;%s&apos;, st); revstr(st); printf (&apos; The reverse string is: %s&apos;, st); return 0; } void revstr (char *st) { int len, i; char *start, *end, temp; len = str_len (st); start = st; end = st; for (i = 0; i <len - 1; i++) end++; for (i="0;" i < len 2; { temp="*end;" *end="*start;" *start="temp;" start++; end--; } int str_len (char *ptr) while ( *(ptr + i) !="" ) i++; return i; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string to be reversed: JAVATPOINT The reverse string is: TNIOPTAVAJ </pre> <h3>Program 7: Program to check whether the reverse string is a Palindrome</h3> <p>Consider a program to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not in the C programming language.</p> <p> <strong>Program7.c</strong> </p> <pre> #include #include int main () { // declare variables char str1[30]; int i, len, flag = 0; printf (&apos; Enter a string: &apos;); scanf (&apos;%s&apos;, str1); len = strlen( str1 ); // get the string length for ( i = 0; i <len; i++) { str1[i] is not equal to str1[len-i-1] if (str1[i] !="str1[len" - i 1]) flag="1;" break; exit from statement } (flag) printf (\' %s a palindrome string\', str1); else palindrome\', return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string: madam madam is a palindrome string. </pre> <hr></len;></pre></len>

Program 7: Program za provjeru je li obrnuti niz palindrom

Razmotrite program za provjeru je li dati niz palindrom ili nije u programskom jeziku C.

nadzirano strojno učenje


 #include #include int main () { // declare variables char str1[30]; int i, len, flag = 0; printf (&apos; Enter a string: &apos;); scanf (&apos;%s&apos;, str1); len = strlen( str1 ); // get the string length for ( i = 0; i <len; i++) { str1[i] is not equal to str1[len-i-1] if (str1[i] !="str1[len" - i 1]) flag="1;" break; exit from statement } (flag) printf (\\' %s a palindrome string\\', str1); else palindrome\\', return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Enter a string: madam madam is a palindrome string. </pre> <hr></len;>