
Dijkstrin algoritam

Sljedeći vodič naučit će nas o Dijkstrinom algoritmu najkraćeg puta. Razumjet ćemo rad Dijkstrinog algoritma uz postupno grafičko objašnjenje.

Obuhvatit ćemo sljedeće:

  • Kratki pregled temeljnih koncepata grafa
  • Razumjeti korištenje Dijkstrinog algoritma
  • Shvatite rad algoritma s primjerom korak po korak

Dakle, počnimo.

Kratki uvod u grafove

Grafikoni su nelinearne podatkovne strukture koje predstavljaju 'veze' između elemenata. Ovi elementi su poznati kao Vrhovi , a linije ili lukovi koji povezuju bilo koja dva vrha u grafu poznati su kao Rubovi . Formalnije, graf se sastoji od skup vrhova (V) i set rubova (E) . Graf je označen sa G(V, E) .

Komponente grafa

    Vrhovi:Vrhovi su osnovne jedinice grafa koje se koriste za predstavljanje stvarnih objekata, osoba ili entiteta. Ponekad su vrhovi poznati i kao čvorovi.Rubovi:Rubovi se crtaju ili koriste za povezivanje dvaju vrhova grafa. Ponekad su rubovi poznati i kao lukovi.

Sljedeća slika prikazuje grafički prikaz grafikona:


Slika 1: Grafički prikaz grafa

Na gornjoj slici, vrhovi/čvorovi su označeni krugovima u boji, a rubovi su označeni linijama koje povezuju čvorove.

Primjene grafova

Grafovi se koriste za rješavanje mnogih problema iz stvarnog života. Grafikoni se koriste za predstavljanje mreža. Ove mreže mogu uključivati ​​telefonske ili strujne mreže ili puteve u gradu.

Na primjer, možemo upotrijebiti grafove za dizajn modela transportne mreže gdje vrhovi prikazuju objekte koji šalju ili primaju proizvode, a rubovi predstavljaju ceste ili staze koje ih povezuju. Slijedi slikovni prikaz istog:


Slika 2: Slikovni prikaz prometne mreže

Grafikoni se također koriste na različitim platformama društvenih medija kao što su LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter itd. Na primjer, platforme poput Facebooka koriste grafove za pohranjivanje podataka svojih korisnika gdje je svaka osoba označena vrhom, a svaka od njih je struktura koja sadrži informacije kao što su ID osobe, ime, spol, adresa itd.

Vrste grafova

Grafikoni se mogu kategorizirati u dvije vrste:

  1. Neusmjereni graf
  2. Usmjereni graf

Neusmjereni graf: Graf s rubovima koji nemaju smjer naziva se neusmjerenim grafom. Rubovi ovog grafa podrazumijevaju dvosmjerni odnos u kojem se svaki brid može prijeći u oba smjera. Sljedeća slika prikazuje jednostavan neusmjereni graf s četiri čvora i pet rubova.


Slika 3: Jednostavan neusmjereni graf

Usmjereni grafikon: Graf s bridovima sa smjerom naziva se usmjereni graf. Rubovi ovog grafa impliciraju jednosmjerni odnos u kojem se svaki brid može prijeći samo u jednom smjeru. Sljedeća slika prikazuje jednostavan usmjereni graf s četiri čvora i pet rubova.


Slika 4: Jednostavan usmjereni graf

Apsolutna duljina, položaj ili orijentacija rubova u ilustraciji grafikona karakteristično nema značenje. Drugim riječima, isti graf možemo vizualizirati na različite načine preuređivanjem vrhova ili izobličenjem rubova ako se temeljna struktura grafa ne mijenja.

Što su ponderirani grafikoni?

Za graf se kaže da je ponderiran ako je svakom rubu dodijeljena 'težina'. Težina ruba može označavati udaljenost, vrijeme ili bilo što što modelira 'vezu' između para vrhova koje povezuje.

Na primjer, možemo vidjeti plavi broj pored svakog ruba na sljedećoj slici ponderiranog grafa. Ovaj broj se koristi za označavanje težine odgovarajućeg ruba.


Slika 5: Primjer ponderiranog grafikona

Uvod u Dijkstrin algoritam

Sada kada znamo neke osnovne koncepte grafova, zaronimo u razumijevanje koncepta Dijkstrinog algoritma.

Jeste li se ikada zapitali kako Google Maps pronalazi najkraću i najbržu rutu između dva mjesta?

Pa, odgovor je Dijkstrin algoritam . Dijkstrin algoritam je Graph algoritam koja pronalazi najkraći put od izvornog vrha do svih ostalih vrhova u grafu (jedan izvorni najkraći put). To je vrsta pohlepnog algoritma koji radi samo na ponderiranim grafovima koji imaju pozitivne težine. Vremenska složenost Dijkstrinog algoritma je O(V2) uz pomoć prikaza grafa matricom susjedstva. Ova se vremenska složenost može svesti na O((V + E) log V) uz pomoć prikaza popisa susjedstva grafa, gdje U je broj vrhova i I je broj bridova u grafu.

Povijest Dijkstrinog algoritma

Dijkstrin algoritam dizajnirao je i objavio Dr. Edsger W. Dijkstra , nizozemski računalni znanstvenik, softverski inženjer, programer, znanstveni esejist i sistemski znanstvenik.

Tijekom intervjua s Philipom L. Franom za komunikacije časopisa ACM 2001. godine, dr. Edsger W. Dijkstra otkrio je:

'Koji je najkraći put za putovanje od Rotterdama do Groningena, općenito: od određenog grada do određenog grada? To je algoritam za najkraći put koji sam osmislio za dvadesetak minuta. Jednog sam jutra bio u shoppingu u Amsterdamu sa svojom mladom zaručnicom i umorni smo sjeli na terasu kafića da popijemo šalicu kave i samo sam razmišljao mogu li to učiniti, a onda sam osmislio algoritam za najkraći put . Kao što sam rekao, bio je to dvadesetominutni izum. Zapravo, objavljena je '59., tri godine kasnije. Publikacija je još uvijek čitka, dapače, prilično je lijepa. Jedan od razloga zašto je tako lijep je taj što sam ga dizajnirao bez olovke i papira. Kasnije sam saznao da je jedna od prednosti dizajniranja bez olovke i papira to što ste gotovo prisiljeni izbjeći sve složenosti koje možete izbjeći. Na kraju je taj algoritam postao, na moje veliko čuđenje, jedan od kamena temeljaca moje slave.'

Dijkstra je razmišljao o problemu najkraćeg puta dok je radio kao programer u Matematičkom centru u Amsterdamu 1956. kako bi ilustrirao mogućnosti novog računala poznatog kao ARMAC. Njegov je cilj bio odabrati i problem i rješenje (proizvedeno od strane računala) koje bi ljudi bez informatičkog znanja mogli razumjeti. Razvio je algoritam najkraćeg puta i kasnije ga izvršio za ARMAC za nejasno skraćenu prometnu kartu od 64 grada u Nizozemskoj (64 grada, tako da bi 6 bita bilo dovoljno za kodiranje broja grada). Godinu dana kasnije, naišao je na još jedno pitanje hardverskih inženjera koji su upravljali sljedećim računalom instituta: Smanjite količinu žice potrebne za spajanje pinova na stražnjoj ploči stroja. Kao rješenje, ponovno je otkrio algoritam nazvan Primov minimalni spanning tree algoritam i objavio ga 1959. godine.

Osnove Dijkstrinog algoritma

Slijede osnovni koncepti Dijkstrinog algoritma:

  1. Dijkstrin algoritam počinje na čvoru koji odaberemo (izvorni čvor) i ispituje graf kako bi pronašao najkraći put između tog čvora i svih ostalih čvorova u grafu.
  2. Algoritam bilježi trenutno potvrđenu najkraću udaljenost od svakog čvora do izvornog čvora i ažurira te vrijednosti ako pronađe kraći put.
  3. Nakon što je algoritam dohvatio najkraći put između izvora i drugog čvora, taj čvor je označen kao 'posjećen' i uključen u put.
  4. Postupak se nastavlja sve dok svi čvorovi u grafu nisu uključeni u stazu. Na taj način imamo put koji povezuje izvorni čvor sa svim drugim čvorovima, slijedeći najkraći mogući put do svakog čvora.

Razumijevanje rada Dijkstrinog algoritma

A graf i izvorni vrh zahtjevi su za Dijkstrin algoritam. Ovaj algoritam je uspostavljen na pohlepnom pristupu i stoga pronalazi lokalno optimalan izbor (u ovom slučaju lokalne minimume) u svakom koraku algoritma.

Svaki vrh u ovom algoritmu imat će dva definirana svojstva:

  1. Posjećeno imanje
  2. Svojstvo staze

Razumimo ova svojstva ukratko.

Posjećeno imanje:

  1. Svojstvo 'posjećeno' označava je li čvor posjećen ili ne.
  2. Koristimo ovo svojstvo kako ne bismo ponovno posjećivali nijedan čvor.
  3. Čvor je označen kao posjećen samo kada je pronađen najkraći put.

Svojstvo staze:

  1. Svojstvo 'put' pohranjuje vrijednost trenutnog minimalnog puta do čvora.
  2. Trenutni minimalni put implicira najkraći put kojim smo došli do ovog čvora do sada.
  3. Ovo svojstvo se revidira kada se posjeti bilo koji susjed čvora.
  4. Ovo svojstvo je značajno jer će pohraniti konačni odgovor za svaki čvor.

U početku označavamo sve vrhove ili čvorove kao neposjećene jer ih tek treba posjetiti. Put do svih čvorova također je postavljen na beskonačnost osim izvornog čvora. Štoviše, put do izvornog čvora postavljen je na nulu (0).

Zatim odabiremo izvorni čvor i označavamo ga kao posjećen. Nakon toga pristupamo svim susjednim čvorovima izvornog čvora i provodimo opuštanje na svakom čvoru. Opuštanje je proces snižavanja troškova dosezanja čvora uz pomoć drugog čvora.

U procesu opuštanja, staza svakog čvora se revidira na minimalnu vrijednost između trenutne staze čvora, zbroja staze do prethodnog čvora i putanje od prethodnog čvora do trenutnog čvora.

Pretpostavimo da je p[n] vrijednost trenutnog puta za čvor n, p[m] vrijednost puta do prethodno posjećenog čvora m, a w težina ruba između trenutnog čvora i koji je prethodno posjetio (težina ruba između n i m).

U matematičkom smislu, opuštanje se može prikazati kao primjer:

p[n] = minimum(p[n], p[m] + w)

Zatim označavamo neposjećeni čvor s najmanjom stazom kao posjećen u svakom sljedećem koraku i ažuriramo staze njegovog susjeda.

Ovaj postupak ponavljamo sve dok svi čvorovi na grafu ne budu označeni kao posjećeni.

Kad god dodamo čvor posjećenom skupu, put do svih njegovih susjednih čvorova također se mijenja u skladu s tim.

Ako bilo koji čvor ostane nedostupan (odspojena komponenta), njegov put ostaje 'beskonačno'. U slučaju da je sam izvor zasebna komponenta, tada put do svih ostalih čvorova ostaje 'beskonačan'.

Razumijevanje Dijkstrinog algoritma s primjerom

Slijedi korak koji ćemo slijediti za implementaciju Dijkstrinog algoritma:

Korak 1: Prvo ćemo označiti izvorni čvor trenutnom udaljenošću od 0 i postaviti ostale čvorove na BESKONAČNOST.

Korak 2: Zatim ćemo postaviti neposjećeni čvor s najmanjom trenutnom udaljenošću kao trenutni čvor, pretpostavimo X.

Korak 3: Za svaki susjed N trenutnog čvora X: Zatim ćemo dodati trenutnu udaljenost od X s težinom ruba koji spaja X-N. Ako je manja od trenutne udaljenosti N, postavite je kao novu trenutnu udaljenost N.

Korak 4: Zatim ćemo trenutni čvor X označiti kao posjećen.

Korak 5: Ponovit ćemo postupak od 'Korak 2' ako je u grafu ostao neposjećen čvor.

Razumimo sada implementaciju algoritma uz pomoć primjera:


Slika 6: Zadani graf

  1. Koristit ćemo gornji graf kao ulaz, s čvorom A kao izvor.
  2. Prvo ćemo označiti sve čvorove kao neposjećene.
  3. Postavit ćemo put do 0 na čvoru A i BESKONAČNOST za sve ostale čvorove.
  4. Sada ćemo označiti izvorni čvor A kao posjećeno i pristupa svojim susjednim čvorovima.
    Bilješka: Samo smo pristupili susjednim čvorovima, ne i posjetili ih.
  5. Sada ćemo ažurirati stazu do čvora B po 4 uz pomoć opuštanja jer put do čvora A je 0 i put od čvora A do B je 4 , i minimalno ((0 + 4), BESKONAČNO) je 4 .
  6. Također ćemo ažurirati put do čvora C po 5 uz pomoć opuštanja jer put do čvora A je 0 i put od čvora A do C je 5 , i minimalno ((0 + 5), BESKONAČNO) je 5 . Oba susjeda čvora A sada su opušteni; dakle, možemo ići naprijed.
  7. Sada ćemo odabrati sljedeći neposjećeni čvor s najmanjom putanjom i posjetiti ga. Stoga ćemo posjetiti čvor B i vrši opuštanje na svojim neposjećenim susjedima. Nakon izvođenja opuštanja, put do čvora C ostati će 5 , dok put do čvora I postati jedanaest , i put do čvora D postati 13 .
  8. Sada ćemo posjetiti čvor I i izvrši opuštanje na susjednim čvorovima B, D , i F . Budući da samo čvor F je neposjećen, bit će opušten. Dakle, put do čvora B ostat će kako jest, tj. 4 , put do čvora D također će ostati 13 , i put do čvora F postati 14 (8 + 6) .
  9. Sada ćemo posjetiti čvor D , i jedini čvor F bit će opušteno. Međutim, put do čvora F ostat će nepromijenjeni, tj. 14 .
  10. Budući da samo čvor F ostaje, posjetit ćemo ga, ali nećemo izvršiti nikakvo opuštanje jer su svi njegovi susjedni čvorovi već posjećeni.
  11. Nakon što se posjete svi čvorovi grafova, program će završiti.

Dakle, konačni putevi koje smo zaključili su:

 A = 0 B = 4 (A -> B) C = 5 (A -> C) D = 4 + 9 = 13 (A -> B -> D) E = 5 + 3 = 8 (A -> C -> E) F = 5 + 3 + 6 = 14 (A -> C -> E -> F) 

Pseudokod za Dijkstrin algoritam

Sada ćemo razumjeti pseudokod za Dijkstrin algoritam.

  • Moramo voditi evidenciju udaljenosti puta svakog čvora. Stoga možemo pohraniti udaljenost putanje svakog čvora u nizu veličine n, gdje je n ukupan broj čvorova.
  • Štoviše, želimo dohvatiti najkraći put zajedno s duljinom tog puta. Kako bismo prevladali ovaj problem, mapirat ćemo svaki čvor na čvor koji je posljednji ažurirao svoju duljinu puta.
  • Nakon što je algoritam dovršen, možemo povratno pratiti odredišni čvor do izvornog čvora kako bismo dohvatili stazu.
  • Možemo upotrijebiti minimalni red čekanja kako bismo na učinkovit način dohvatili čvor s najmanjom udaljenosti putanje.

Implementirajmo sada pseudokod gornje ilustracije:


 function Dijkstra_Algorithm(Graph, source_node) // iterating through the nodes in Graph and set their distances to INFINITY for each node N in Graph: distance[N] = INFINITY previous[N] = NULL If N != source_node, add N to Priority Queue G // setting the distance of the source node of the Graph to 0 distance[source_node] = 0 // iterating until the Priority Queue G is not empty while G is NOT empty: // selecting a node Q having the least distance and marking it as visited Q = node in G with the least distance[] mark Q visited // iterating through the unvisited neighboring nodes of the node Q and performing relaxation accordingly for each unvisited neighbor node N of Q: temporary_distance = distance[Q] + distance_between(Q, N) // if the temporary distance is less than the given distance of the path to the Node, updating the resultant distance with the minimum value if temporary_distance <distance[n] distance[n] :="temporary_distance" previous[n] returning the final list of distance return distance[], previous[] < pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> </p> <p>In the above pseudocode, we have defined a function that accepts multiple parameters - the Graph consisting of the nodes and the source node. Inside this function, we have iterated through each node in the Graph, set their initial distance to <strong>INFINITY</strong> , and set the previous node value to <strong>NULL</strong> . We have also checked whether any selected node is not a source node and added the same into the Priority Queue. Moreover, we have set the distance of the source node to <strong>0</strong> . We then iterated through the nodes in the priority queue, selected the node with the least distance, and marked it as visited. We then iterated through the unvisited neighboring nodes of the selected node and performed relaxation accordingly. At last, we have compared both the distances (original and temporary distance) between the source node and the destination node, updated the resultant distance with the minimum value and previous node information, and returned the final list of distances with their previous node information.</p> <h2>Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Different Programming Languages</h2> <p>Now that we have successfully understood the pseudocode of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm, it is time to see its implementation in different programming languages like C, C++, Java, and Python.</p> <h3>Code for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in C</h3> <p>The following is the implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in the C Programming Language:</p> <p> <strong>File: DijkstraAlgorithm.c</strong> </p> <pre> // Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in C // importing the standard I/O header file #include // defining some constants #define INF 9999 #define MAX 10 // prototyping of the function void DijkstraAlgorithm(int Graph[MAX][MAX], int size, int start); // defining the function for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm void DijkstraAlgorithm(int Graph[MAX][MAX], int size, int start) { int cost[MAX][MAX], distance[MAX], previous[MAX]; int visited_nodes[MAX], counter, minimum_distance, next_node, i, j; // creating cost matrix for (i = 0; i <size; i++) for (j="0;" j < size; j++) if (graph[i][j]="=" 0) cost[i][j]="INF;" else (i="0;" i { distance[i]="cost[start][i];" previous[i]="start;" visited_nodes[i]="0;" } distance[start]="0;" visited_nodes[start]="1;" counter="1;" while (counter size - 1) minimum_distance="INF;" (distance[i] && !visited_nodes[i]) next_node="i;" visited_nodes[next_node]="1;" (!visited_nodes[i]) (minimum_distance + cost[next_node][i] distance[i]) cost[next_node][i]; counter++; printing the distance !="start)" printf('
distance from source node to %d: %d', i, distance[i]); main function int main() defining variables graph[max][max], j, size, source; declaring of matrix nodes graph graph[0][0]="0;" graph[0][1]="4;" graph[0][2]="0;" graph[0][3]="0;" graph[0][4]="0;" graph[0][5]="8;" graph[0][6]="0;" graph[1][0]="4;" graph[1][1]="0;" graph[1][2]="8;" graph[1][3]="0;" graph[1][4]="0;" graph[1][5]="11;" graph[1][6]="0;" graph[2][0]="0;" graph[2][1]="8;" graph[2][2]="0;" graph[2][3]="7;" graph[2][4]="0;" graph[2][5]="4;" graph[2][6]="0;" graph[3][0]="0;" graph[3][1]="0;" graph[3][2]="7;" graph[3][3]="0;" graph[3][4]="9;" graph[3][5]="14;" graph[3][6]="0;" graph[4][0]="0;" graph[4][1]="0;" graph[4][2]="0;" graph[4][3]="9;" graph[4][4]="0;" graph[4][5]="10;" graph[4][6]="2;" graph[5][0]="0;" graph[5][1]="0;" graph[5][2]="4;" graph[5][3]="14;" graph[5][4]="10;" graph[5][5]="0;" graph[5][6]="2;" graph[6][0]="0;" graph[6][1]="0;" graph[6][2]="0;" graph[6][3]="0;" graph[6][4]="2;" graph[6][5]="0;" graph[6][6]="1;" calling dijkstraalgorithm() by passing graph, number and dijkstraalgorithm(graph, source); return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Distance from the Source Node to 1: 4 Distance from the Source Node to 2: 12 Distance from the Source Node to 3: 19 Distance from the Source Node to 4: 12 Distance from the Source Node to 5: 8 Distance from the Source Node to 6: 10 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> </p> <p>In the above snippet of code, we have included the <strong>stdio.h</strong> header file defined two constant values: <strong>INF = 9999</strong> and <strong>MAX = 10</strong> . We have declared the prototyping of the function and then defined the function for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm as <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm</strong> that accepts three arguments - the Graph consisting of the nodes, the number of nodes in the Graph, and the source node. Inside this function, we have defined some data structures such as a 2D matrix that will work as the Priority Queue for the algorithm, an array to main the distance between the nodes, an array to maintain the record of previous nodes, an array to store the visited nodes information, and some integer variables to store minimum distance value, counter, next node value and more. We then used a <strong>nested for-loop</strong> to iterate through the nodes of the Graph and add them to the priority queue accordingly. We have again used the <strong>for-loop</strong> to iterate through the elements in the priority queue starting from the source node and update their distances. Outside the loop, we have set the distance of the source node as <strong>0</strong> and marked it as visited in the <strong>visited_nodes[]</strong> array. We then set the counter value as one and used the <strong>while</strong> loop iterating through the number of nodes. Inside this loop, we have set the value of <strong>minimum_distance</strong> as <strong>INF</strong> and used the <strong>for-loop</strong> to update the value of the <strong>minimum_distance</strong> variable with the minimum value from a <strong>distance[]</strong> array. We then iterated through the unvisited neighboring nodes of the selected node using the <strong>for-loop</strong> and performed relaxation. We then printed the resulting data of the distances calculated using Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm.</p> <p>In the <strong>main</strong> function, we have defined and declared the variables representing the Graph, the number of nodes, and the source node. At last, we have called the <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> function by passing the required parameters.</p> <p>As a result, the required shortest possible paths for every node from the source node are printed for the users.</p> <h3>Code for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in C++</h3> <p>The following is the implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in the C++ Programming Language:</p> <p> <strong>File: DijkstraAlgorithm.cpp</strong> </p> <pre> // Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in C++ // importing the required header files #include #include // defining constant #define MAX_INT 10000000 // using the standard namespace using namespace std; // prototyping of the DijkstraAlgorithm() function void DijkstraAlgorithm(); // main function int main() { DijkstraAlgorithm(); return 0; } // declaring the classes class Vertex; class Edge; // prototyping the functions void Dijkstra(); vector* Adjacent_Remaining_Nodes(Vertex* vertex); Vertex* Extract_Smallest(vector&amp; vertices); int Distance(Vertex* vertexOne, Vertex* vertexTwo); bool Contains(vector&amp; vertices, Vertex* vertex); void Print_Shortest_Route_To(Vertex* des); // instantiating the classes vector vertices; vector edges; // defining the class for the vertices of the graph class Vertex { public: Vertex(char id) : id(id), prev(NULL), distance_from_start(MAX_INT) { vertices.push_back(this); } public: char id; Vertex* prev; int distance_from_start; }; // defining the class for the edges of the graph class Edge { public: Edge(Vertex* vertexOne, Vertex* vertexTwo, int distance) : vertexOne(vertexOne), vertexTwo(vertexTwo), distance(distance) { edges.push_back(this); } bool Connects(Vertex* vertexOne, Vertex* vertexTwo) public: Vertex* vertexOne; Vertex* vertexTwo; int distance; }; // defining the function to collect the details of the graph void DijkstraAlgorithm() { // declaring some vertices Vertex* vertex_a = new Vertex(&apos;A&apos;); Vertex* vertex_b = new Vertex(&apos;B&apos;); Vertex* vertex_c = new Vertex(&apos;C&apos;); Vertex* vertex_d = new Vertex(&apos;D&apos;); Vertex* vertex_e = new Vertex(&apos;E&apos;); Vertex* vertex_f = new Vertex(&apos;F&apos;); Vertex* vertex_g = new Vertex(&apos;G&apos;); // declaring some edges Edge* edge_1 = new Edge(vertex_a, vertex_c, 1); Edge* edge_2 = new Edge(vertex_a, vertex_d, 2); Edge* edge_3 = new Edge(vertex_b, vertex_c, 2); Edge* edge_4 = new Edge(vertex_c, vertex_d, 1); Edge* edge_5 = new Edge(vertex_b, vertex_f, 3); Edge* edge_6 = new Edge(vertex_c, vertex_e, 3); Edge* edge_7 = new Edge(vertex_e, vertex_f, 2); Edge* edge_8 = new Edge(vertex_d, vertex_g, 1); Edge* edge_9 = new Edge(vertex_g, vertex_f, 1); vertex_a -&gt; distance_from_start = 0; // setting a start vertex // calling the Dijkstra() function to find the shortest route possible Dijkstra(); // calling the Print_Shortest_Route_To() function to print the shortest route from the source vertex to the destination vertex Print_Shortest_Route_To(vertex_f); } // defining the function for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm void Dijkstra() { while (vertices.size() &gt; 0) { Vertex* smallest = Extract_Smallest(vertices); vector* adjacent_nodes = Adjacent_Remaining_Nodes(smallest); const int size = adjacent_nodes -&gt; size(); for (int i = 0; i at(i); int distance = Distance(smallest, adjacent) + smallest -&gt; distance_from_start; if (distance distance_from_start) { adjacent -&gt; distance_from_start = distance; adjacent -&gt; prev = smallest; } } delete adjacent_nodes; } } // defining the function to find the vertex with the shortest distance, removing it, and returning it Vertex* Extract_Smallest(vector&amp; vertices) { int size = vertices.size(); if (size == 0) return NULL; int smallest_position = 0; Vertex* smallest = vertices.at(0); for (int i = 1; i distance_from_start distance_from_start) { smallest = current; smallest_position = i; } } vertices.erase(vertices.begin() + smallest_position); return smallest; } // defining the function to return all vertices adjacent to &apos;vertex&apos; which are still in the &apos;vertices&apos; collection. vector* Adjacent_Remaining_Nodes(Vertex* vertex) { vector* adjacent_nodes = new vector(); const int size = edges.size(); for (int i = 0; i vertexOne == vertex) { adjacent = edge -&gt; vertexTwo; } else if (edge -&gt; vertexTwo == vertex) { adjacent = edge -&gt; vertexOne; } if (adjacent &amp;&amp; Contains(vertices, adjacent)) { adjacent_nodes -&gt; push_back(adjacent); } } return adjacent_nodes; } // defining the function to return distance between two connected vertices int Distance(Vertex* vertexOne, Vertex* vertexTwo) { const int size = edges.size(); for (int i = 0; i Connects(vertexOne, vertexTwo)) { return edge -&gt; distance; } } return -1; // should never happen } // defining the function to check if the &apos;vertices&apos; vector contains &apos;vertex&apos; bool Contains(vector&amp; vertices, Vertex* vertex) { const int size = vertices.size(); for (int i = 0; i <size; ++i) { if (vertex="=" vertices.at(i)) return true; } false; defining the function to print shortest route destination void print_shortest_route_to(vertex* des) vertex* prev="des;" cout << 'distance from start: ' < distance_from_start endl; while (prev) id prev; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Distance from start: 4 F G D A </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> </p> <p>In the above code snippet, we included the <strong>&apos;iostream&apos;</strong> and <strong>&apos;vector&apos;</strong> header files and defined a constant value as <strong>MAX_INT = 10000000</strong> . We then used the standard namespace and prototyped the <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> function. We then defined the main function of the program within, which we have called the <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> function. After that, we declared some classes to create vertices and edges. We have also prototyped more functions to find the shortest possible path from the source vertex to the destination vertex and instantiated the Vertex and Edge classes. We then defined both classes to create the vertices and edges of the graph. We have then defined the <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> function to create a graph and perform different operations. Inside this function, we have declared some vertices and edges. We then set the source vertex of the graph and called the <strong>Dijkstra()</strong> function to find the shortest possible distance and <strong>Print_Shortest_Route_To()</strong> function to print the shortest distance from the source vertex to vertex <strong>&apos;F&apos;</strong> . We have then defined the <strong>Dijkstra()</strong> function to calculate the shortest possible distances of the all the vertices from the source vertex. We have also defined some more functions to find the vertex with the shortest distance to return all the vertices adjacent to the remaining vertex, to return the distance between two connected vertices, to check if the selected vertex exists in the graph, and to print the shortest possible path from the source vertex to the destination vertex.</p> <p>As a result, the required shortest path for the vertex <strong>&apos;F&apos;</strong> from the source node is printed for the users.</p> <h3>Code for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Java</h3> <p>The following is the implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in the Java Programming Language:</p> <p> <strong>File: DijkstraAlgorithm.java</strong> </p> <pre> // Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Java // defining the public class for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm public class DijkstraAlgorithm { // defining the method to implement Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm public void dijkstraAlgorithm(int[][] graph, int source) { // number of nodes int nodes = graph.length; boolean[] visited_vertex = new boolean[nodes]; int[] dist = new int[nodes]; for (int i = 0; i <nodes; 0 1 i++) { visited_vertex[i]="false;" dist[i]="Integer.MAX_VALUE;" } distance of self loop is zero dist[source]="0;" for (int i="0;" < nodes; updating the between neighboring vertex and source int u="find_min_distance(dist," visited_vertex); visited_vertex[u]="true;" distances all vertices v="0;" v++) if (!visited_vertex[v] && graph[u][v] !="0" (dist[u] + dist[v])) dist[v]="dist[u]" graph[u][v]; dist.length; system.out.println(string.format('distance from %s to %s', source, i, dist[i])); defining method find minimum private static find_min_distance(int[] dist, boolean[] visited_vertex) minimum_distance="Integer.MAX_VALUE;" minimum_distance_vertex="-1;" (!visited_vertex[i] minimum_distance) return minimum_distance_vertex; main function public void main(string[] args) declaring nodes graphs graph[][]="new" int[][] 0, 1, 2, }, 3, }; instantiating dijkstraalgorithm() class dijkstraalgorithm test="new" dijkstraalgorithm(); calling shortest node destination test.dijkstraalgorithm(graph, 0); pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 0 is 0 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 1 is 1 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 2 is 1 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 3 is 2 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 4 is 4 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 5 is 4 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 6 is 3 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> </p> <p>In the above snippet of code, we have defined a public class as <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> . Inside this class, we have defined a public method as <strong>dijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> to find the shortest distance from the source vertex to the destination vertex. Inside this method, we have defined a variable to store the number of nodes. We have then defined a Boolean array to store the information regarding the visited vertices and an integer array to store their respective distances. Initially, we declared the values in both the arrays as <strong>False</strong> and <strong>MAX_VALUE</strong> , respectively. We have also set the distance of the source vertex as zero and used the <strong>for-loop</strong> to update the distance between the source vertex and destination vertices with the minimum distance. We have then updated the distances of the neighboring vertices of the selected vertex by performing relaxation and printed the shortest distances for every vertex. We have then defined a method to find the minimum distance from the source vertex to the destination vertex. We then defined the main function where we declared the vertices of the graph and instantiated the <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> class. Finally, we have called the <strong>dijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> method to find the shortest distance between the source vertex and the destination vertices.</p> <p>As a result, the required shortest possible paths for every node from the source node are printed for the users.</p> <h3>Code for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Python</h3> <p>The following is the implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in the Python Programming Language:</p> <p> <strong>File: DikstraAlgorithm.py</strong> </p> <pre> # Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Python # importing the sys module import sys # declaring the list of nodes for the graph nodes = [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ] # declaring the list of edges for the graph edges = [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0], [1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0], [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ] # defining the function to find which node is to be visited next def toBeVisited(): global visitedAndDistance v = -10 for index in range(numberOfNodes): if visitedAndDistance[index][0] == 0 and (v <0 1 or visitedanddistance[index][1] <="visitedAndDistance[v][1]):" v="index" return # finding the number of nodes in graph numberofnodes="len(nodes[0])" visitedanddistance="[[0," 0]] for i range(numberofnodes - 1): visitedanddistance.append([0, sys.maxsize]) node range(numberofnodes): next to be visited tovisit="toBeVisited()" neighborindex updating new distances if nodes[tovisit][neighborindex]="=" and visitedanddistance[neighborindex][0]="=" 0: newdistance="visitedAndDistance[toVisit][1]" + edges[tovisit][neighborindex] visitedanddistance[neighborindex][1]> newDistance: visitedAndDistance[neighborIndex][1] = newDistance visitedAndDistance[toVisit][0] = 1 i = 0 # printing the distance for distance in visitedAndDistance: print(&apos;Distance of&apos;, chr(ord(&apos;A&apos;) + i), &apos;from source node:&apos;, distance[1]) i = i + 1 </0></pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Distance of A from source node: 0 Distance of B from source node: 3 Distance of C from source node: 1 Distance of D from source node: 2 Distance of E from source node: 2 Distance of F from source node: 4 Distance of G from source node: 3 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> </p> <p>In the above snippet of code, we have imported the <strong>sys</strong> module and declared the lists consisting of the values for the nodes and edges. We have then defined a function as <strong>toBeVisited()</strong> to find which node will be visited next. We then found the total number of nodes in the graph and set the initial distances for every node. We have then calculated the minimum distance from the source node to the destination node, performed relaxation on neighboring nodes, and updated the distances in the list. We then printed those distances from the list for the users.</p> <p>As a result, the required shortest possible paths for every node from the source node are printed for the users.</p> <h2>Time and Space Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm</h2> <ul> <li>The Time Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is <strong>O(E log V)</strong> , where E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices.</li> <li>The Space Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is O(V), where V is the number of vertices.</li> </ul> <h2>Advantages and Disadvantages of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm</h2> <p> <strong>Let us discuss some advantages of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm:</strong> </p> <ol class="points"> <li>One primary advantage of using Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is that it has an almost linear time and space complexity.</li> <li>We can use this algorithm to calculate the shortest path from a single vertex to all other vertices and a single source vertex to a single destination vertex by stopping the algorithm once we get the shortest distance for the destination vertex.</li> <li>This algorithm only works for directed weighted graphs, and all the edges of this graph should be non-negative.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Despite having multiple advantages, Dijkstra&apos;s algorithm has some disadvantages also, such as:</strong> </p> <ol class="points"> <li>Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm performs a concealed exploration that utilizes a lot of time during the process.</li> <li>This algorithm is impotent to handle negative edges.</li> <li>Since this algorithm heads to the acyclic graph, it cannot calculate the exact shortest path.</li> <li>It also requires maintenance to keep a record of vertices that have been visited.</li> </ol> <h2>Some Applications of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm</h2> <p> <strong>Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm has various real-world applications, some of which are stated below:</strong> </p> <ol class="points"> <tr><td>Digital Mapping Services in Google Maps:</td> There are various times when we have tried to find the distance in Google Maps either from our location to the nearest preferred location or from one city to another, which comprises multiple routes/paths connecting them; however, the application must display the minimum distance. This is only possible because Dijkstra&apos;s algorithm helps the application find the shortest between two given locations along the path. Let us consider the USA as a graph wherein the cities/places are represented as vertices, and the routes between two cities/places are represented as edges. Then with the help of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm, we can calculate the shortest routes between any two cities/places. </tr><tr><td>Social Networking Applications:</td> In many applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, many of us might have observed that these apps suggest the list of friends that a specific user may know. How do many social media companies implement this type of feature in an efficient and effective way, specifically when the system has over a billion users? The answer to this question is Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. The standard Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is generally used to estimate the shortest distance between the users measured through the connections or mutuality among them. When social networking is very small, it uses the standard Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in addition to some other features in order to determine the shortest paths. However, when the graph is much bigger, the standard algorithm takes several seconds to count, and thus, some advanced algorithms are used as the alternative. </tr><tr><td>Telephone Network:</td> As some of us might know, in a telephone network, each transmission line has a bandwidth, &apos;b&apos;. The bandwidth is the highest frequency that the transmission line can support. In general, if the frequency of the signal is higher in a specific line, the signal is reduced by that line. Bandwidth represents the amount of information that can be transmitted by the line. Let us consider a city a graph wherein the switching stations are represented using the vertices, the transmission lines are represented as the edges, and the bandwidth, &apos;b&apos;, is represented using the weight of the edges. Thus, as we can observe, the telephone network can also fall into the category of the shortest distance problem and can be solved using Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. </tr><tr><td>Flight Program:</td> Suppose that a person requires software to prepare an agenda of flights for customers. The agent has access to a database with all flights and airports. In addition to the flight number, origin airport, and destination, the flights also have departure and arrival times. So, in order to determine the earliest arrival time for the selected destination from the original airport and given start time, the agents make use of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. </tr><tr><td>IP routing to find Open Shortest Path First:</td> Open Shortest Path First (abbreviated as OSPF) is a link-state routing protocol used to find the best path between the source and destination router with the help of its own Shortest Path First. Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is extensively utilized in the routing protocols required by the routers in order to update their forwarding table. The algorithm gives the shortest cost path from the source router to the other routers present in the network. </tr><tr><td>Robotic Path:</td> These days, drones and robots have come into existence, some operated manually and some automatically. The drones and robots which are operated automatically and used to deliver the packages to a given location or used for any certain task are configured with Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm module so that whenever the source and destination are known, the drone and robot will move in the ordered direction by following the shortest path keeping the time taken to a minimum in order to deliver the packages. </tr><tr><td>Designate the File Server:</td> Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is also used to designate a file server in a Local Area Network (LAN). Suppose that an infinite period of time is needed for the transmission of the files from one computer to another. So, to minimize the number of &apos;hops&apos; from the file server to every other computer on the network, we will use Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. This algorithm will return the shortest path between the networks resulting in the minimum number of hops. </tr></ol> <h2>The Conclusion</h2> <ul> <li>In the above tutorial, firstly, we have understood the basic concepts of Graph along with its types and applications.</li> <li>We then learned about Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm and its history.</li> <li>We have also understood the fundamental working of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm with the help of an example.</li> <li>After that, we studied how to write code for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm with the help of Pseudocode.</li> <li>We observed its implementation in programming languages like C, C++, Java, and Python with proper outputs and explanations.</li> <li>We have also understood the Time and Space Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm.</li> <li>Finally, we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Dijkstra&apos;s algorithm and some of its real-life applications.</li> </ul> <hr></nodes;></pre></size;></pre></size;></pre></distance[n]>


U gornji isječak koda uključili smo stdio.h datoteka zaglavlja definirala je dvije konstantne vrijednosti: INF = 9999 i MAKSIMALNO = 10 . Deklarirali smo prototip funkcije i zatim definirali funkciju za Dijkstraov algoritam kao DijkstraAlgoritam koji prihvaća tri argumenta - graf koji se sastoji od čvorova, broj čvorova u grafu i izvorni čvor. Unutar ove funkcije definirali smo neke strukture podataka kao što je 2D matrica koja će raditi kao prioritetni red za algoritam, niz za održavanje udaljenosti između čvorova, niz za održavanje evidencije prethodnih čvorova, niz za pohranjivanje informacije o posjećenim čvorovima i neke cjelobrojne varijable za pohranjivanje minimalne vrijednosti udaljenosti, brojača, vrijednosti sljedećeg čvora i više. Zatim smo koristili a ugniježđena for-petlja iterirati kroz čvorove Grafa i dodati ih u red prioriteta u skladu s tim. Ponovno smo upotrijebili for-petlja za iteraciju kroz elemente u redu prioriteta počevši od izvornog čvora i ažuriranje njihovih udaljenosti. Izvan petlje postavili smo udaljenost izvornog čvora kao 0 i označio ga kao posjećenog u posjećeni_čvorovi[] niz. Zatim smo postavili vrijednost brojača kao jedan i upotrijebili dok petlja koja ponavlja kroz broj čvorova. Unutar ove petlje postavili smo vrijednost minimalna_udaljenost kao INF i koristio se for-petlja za ažuriranje vrijednosti minimalna_udaljenost varijabla s minimalnom vrijednošću od a udaljenost[] niz. Zatim smo iterirali kroz neposjećene susjedne čvorove odabranog čvora koristeći for-petlja i izvedena relaksacija. Zatim smo ispisali dobivene podatke o udaljenostima izračunate pomoću Dijkstrinog algoritma.

u glavni definirali smo i deklarirali varijable koje predstavljaju graf, broj čvorova i izvorni čvor. Napokon smo pozvali DijkstraAlgoritam() funkcionirati prosljeđivanjem potrebnih parametara.

Kao rezultat, potrebni najkraći mogući putovi za svaki čvor od izvornog čvora ispisuju se za korisnike.

turbo c++ preuzimanje

Kod za Dijkstrin algoritam u C++

Slijedi implementacija Dijkstrinog algoritma u programskom jeziku C++:

Datoteka: DijkstraAlgorithm.cpp

 // Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in C++ // importing the required header files #include #include // defining constant #define MAX_INT 10000000 // using the standard namespace using namespace std; // prototyping of the DijkstraAlgorithm() function void DijkstraAlgorithm(); // main function int main() { DijkstraAlgorithm(); return 0; } // declaring the classes class Vertex; class Edge; // prototyping the functions void Dijkstra(); vector* Adjacent_Remaining_Nodes(Vertex* vertex); Vertex* Extract_Smallest(vector&amp; vertices); int Distance(Vertex* vertexOne, Vertex* vertexTwo); bool Contains(vector&amp; vertices, Vertex* vertex); void Print_Shortest_Route_To(Vertex* des); // instantiating the classes vector vertices; vector edges; // defining the class for the vertices of the graph class Vertex { public: Vertex(char id) : id(id), prev(NULL), distance_from_start(MAX_INT) { vertices.push_back(this); } public: char id; Vertex* prev; int distance_from_start; }; // defining the class for the edges of the graph class Edge { public: Edge(Vertex* vertexOne, Vertex* vertexTwo, int distance) : vertexOne(vertexOne), vertexTwo(vertexTwo), distance(distance) { edges.push_back(this); } bool Connects(Vertex* vertexOne, Vertex* vertexTwo) public: Vertex* vertexOne; Vertex* vertexTwo; int distance; }; // defining the function to collect the details of the graph void DijkstraAlgorithm() { // declaring some vertices Vertex* vertex_a = new Vertex(&apos;A&apos;); Vertex* vertex_b = new Vertex(&apos;B&apos;); Vertex* vertex_c = new Vertex(&apos;C&apos;); Vertex* vertex_d = new Vertex(&apos;D&apos;); Vertex* vertex_e = new Vertex(&apos;E&apos;); Vertex* vertex_f = new Vertex(&apos;F&apos;); Vertex* vertex_g = new Vertex(&apos;G&apos;); // declaring some edges Edge* edge_1 = new Edge(vertex_a, vertex_c, 1); Edge* edge_2 = new Edge(vertex_a, vertex_d, 2); Edge* edge_3 = new Edge(vertex_b, vertex_c, 2); Edge* edge_4 = new Edge(vertex_c, vertex_d, 1); Edge* edge_5 = new Edge(vertex_b, vertex_f, 3); Edge* edge_6 = new Edge(vertex_c, vertex_e, 3); Edge* edge_7 = new Edge(vertex_e, vertex_f, 2); Edge* edge_8 = new Edge(vertex_d, vertex_g, 1); Edge* edge_9 = new Edge(vertex_g, vertex_f, 1); vertex_a -&gt; distance_from_start = 0; // setting a start vertex // calling the Dijkstra() function to find the shortest route possible Dijkstra(); // calling the Print_Shortest_Route_To() function to print the shortest route from the source vertex to the destination vertex Print_Shortest_Route_To(vertex_f); } // defining the function for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm void Dijkstra() { while (vertices.size() &gt; 0) { Vertex* smallest = Extract_Smallest(vertices); vector* adjacent_nodes = Adjacent_Remaining_Nodes(smallest); const int size = adjacent_nodes -&gt; size(); for (int i = 0; i at(i); int distance = Distance(smallest, adjacent) + smallest -&gt; distance_from_start; if (distance distance_from_start) { adjacent -&gt; distance_from_start = distance; adjacent -&gt; prev = smallest; } } delete adjacent_nodes; } } // defining the function to find the vertex with the shortest distance, removing it, and returning it Vertex* Extract_Smallest(vector&amp; vertices) { int size = vertices.size(); if (size == 0) return NULL; int smallest_position = 0; Vertex* smallest = vertices.at(0); for (int i = 1; i distance_from_start distance_from_start) { smallest = current; smallest_position = i; } } vertices.erase(vertices.begin() + smallest_position); return smallest; } // defining the function to return all vertices adjacent to &apos;vertex&apos; which are still in the &apos;vertices&apos; collection. vector* Adjacent_Remaining_Nodes(Vertex* vertex) { vector* adjacent_nodes = new vector(); const int size = edges.size(); for (int i = 0; i vertexOne == vertex) { adjacent = edge -&gt; vertexTwo; } else if (edge -&gt; vertexTwo == vertex) { adjacent = edge -&gt; vertexOne; } if (adjacent &amp;&amp; Contains(vertices, adjacent)) { adjacent_nodes -&gt; push_back(adjacent); } } return adjacent_nodes; } // defining the function to return distance between two connected vertices int Distance(Vertex* vertexOne, Vertex* vertexTwo) { const int size = edges.size(); for (int i = 0; i Connects(vertexOne, vertexTwo)) { return edge -&gt; distance; } } return -1; // should never happen } // defining the function to check if the &apos;vertices&apos; vector contains &apos;vertex&apos; bool Contains(vector&amp; vertices, Vertex* vertex) { const int size = vertices.size(); for (int i = 0; i <size; ++i) { if (vertex="=" vertices.at(i)) return true; } false; defining the function to print shortest route destination void print_shortest_route_to(vertex* des) vertex* prev="des;" cout << \'distance from start: \' < distance_from_start endl; while (prev) id prev; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Distance from start: 4 F G D A </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> </p> <p>In the above code snippet, we included the <strong>&apos;iostream&apos;</strong> and <strong>&apos;vector&apos;</strong> header files and defined a constant value as <strong>MAX_INT = 10000000</strong> . We then used the standard namespace and prototyped the <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> function. We then defined the main function of the program within, which we have called the <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> function. After that, we declared some classes to create vertices and edges. We have also prototyped more functions to find the shortest possible path from the source vertex to the destination vertex and instantiated the Vertex and Edge classes. We then defined both classes to create the vertices and edges of the graph. We have then defined the <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> function to create a graph and perform different operations. Inside this function, we have declared some vertices and edges. We then set the source vertex of the graph and called the <strong>Dijkstra()</strong> function to find the shortest possible distance and <strong>Print_Shortest_Route_To()</strong> function to print the shortest distance from the source vertex to vertex <strong>&apos;F&apos;</strong> . We have then defined the <strong>Dijkstra()</strong> function to calculate the shortest possible distances of the all the vertices from the source vertex. We have also defined some more functions to find the vertex with the shortest distance to return all the vertices adjacent to the remaining vertex, to return the distance between two connected vertices, to check if the selected vertex exists in the graph, and to print the shortest possible path from the source vertex to the destination vertex.</p> <p>As a result, the required shortest path for the vertex <strong>&apos;F&apos;</strong> from the source node is printed for the users.</p> <h3>Code for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Java</h3> <p>The following is the implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in the Java Programming Language:</p> <p> <strong>File: DijkstraAlgorithm.java</strong> </p> <pre> // Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Java // defining the public class for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm public class DijkstraAlgorithm { // defining the method to implement Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm public void dijkstraAlgorithm(int[][] graph, int source) { // number of nodes int nodes = graph.length; boolean[] visited_vertex = new boolean[nodes]; int[] dist = new int[nodes]; for (int i = 0; i <nodes; 0 1 i++) { visited_vertex[i]="false;" dist[i]="Integer.MAX_VALUE;" } distance of self loop is zero dist[source]="0;" for (int i="0;" < nodes; updating the between neighboring vertex and source int u="find_min_distance(dist," visited_vertex); visited_vertex[u]="true;" distances all vertices v="0;" v++) if (!visited_vertex[v] && graph[u][v] !="0" (dist[u] + dist[v])) dist[v]="dist[u]" graph[u][v]; dist.length; system.out.println(string.format(\'distance from %s to %s\', source, i, dist[i])); defining method find minimum private static find_min_distance(int[] dist, boolean[] visited_vertex) minimum_distance="Integer.MAX_VALUE;" minimum_distance_vertex="-1;" (!visited_vertex[i] minimum_distance) return minimum_distance_vertex; main function public void main(string[] args) declaring nodes graphs graph[][]="new" int[][] 0, 1, 2, }, 3, }; instantiating dijkstraalgorithm() class dijkstraalgorithm test="new" dijkstraalgorithm(); calling shortest node destination test.dijkstraalgorithm(graph, 0); pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 0 is 0 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 1 is 1 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 2 is 1 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 3 is 2 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 4 is 4 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 5 is 4 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 6 is 3 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> </p> <p>In the above snippet of code, we have defined a public class as <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> . Inside this class, we have defined a public method as <strong>dijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> to find the shortest distance from the source vertex to the destination vertex. Inside this method, we have defined a variable to store the number of nodes. We have then defined a Boolean array to store the information regarding the visited vertices and an integer array to store their respective distances. Initially, we declared the values in both the arrays as <strong>False</strong> and <strong>MAX_VALUE</strong> , respectively. We have also set the distance of the source vertex as zero and used the <strong>for-loop</strong> to update the distance between the source vertex and destination vertices with the minimum distance. We have then updated the distances of the neighboring vertices of the selected vertex by performing relaxation and printed the shortest distances for every vertex. We have then defined a method to find the minimum distance from the source vertex to the destination vertex. We then defined the main function where we declared the vertices of the graph and instantiated the <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> class. Finally, we have called the <strong>dijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> method to find the shortest distance between the source vertex and the destination vertices.</p> <p>As a result, the required shortest possible paths for every node from the source node are printed for the users.</p> <h3>Code for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Python</h3> <p>The following is the implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in the Python Programming Language:</p> <p> <strong>File: DikstraAlgorithm.py</strong> </p> <pre> # Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Python # importing the sys module import sys # declaring the list of nodes for the graph nodes = [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ] # declaring the list of edges for the graph edges = [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0], [1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0], [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ] # defining the function to find which node is to be visited next def toBeVisited(): global visitedAndDistance v = -10 for index in range(numberOfNodes): if visitedAndDistance[index][0] == 0 and (v <0 1 or visitedanddistance[index][1] <="visitedAndDistance[v][1]):" v="index" return # finding the number of nodes in graph numberofnodes="len(nodes[0])" visitedanddistance="[[0," 0]] for i range(numberofnodes - 1): visitedanddistance.append([0, sys.maxsize]) node range(numberofnodes): next to be visited tovisit="toBeVisited()" neighborindex updating new distances if nodes[tovisit][neighborindex]="=" and visitedanddistance[neighborindex][0]="=" 0: newdistance="visitedAndDistance[toVisit][1]" + edges[tovisit][neighborindex] visitedanddistance[neighborindex][1]> newDistance: visitedAndDistance[neighborIndex][1] = newDistance visitedAndDistance[toVisit][0] = 1 i = 0 # printing the distance for distance in visitedAndDistance: print(&apos;Distance of&apos;, chr(ord(&apos;A&apos;) + i), &apos;from source node:&apos;, distance[1]) i = i + 1 </0></pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Distance of A from source node: 0 Distance of B from source node: 3 Distance of C from source node: 1 Distance of D from source node: 2 Distance of E from source node: 2 Distance of F from source node: 4 Distance of G from source node: 3 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> </p> <p>In the above snippet of code, we have imported the <strong>sys</strong> module and declared the lists consisting of the values for the nodes and edges. We have then defined a function as <strong>toBeVisited()</strong> to find which node will be visited next. We then found the total number of nodes in the graph and set the initial distances for every node. We have then calculated the minimum distance from the source node to the destination node, performed relaxation on neighboring nodes, and updated the distances in the list. We then printed those distances from the list for the users.</p> <p>As a result, the required shortest possible paths for every node from the source node are printed for the users.</p> <h2>Time and Space Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm</h2> <ul> <li>The Time Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is <strong>O(E log V)</strong> , where E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices.</li> <li>The Space Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is O(V), where V is the number of vertices.</li> </ul> <h2>Advantages and Disadvantages of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm</h2> <p> <strong>Let us discuss some advantages of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm:</strong> </p> <ol class="points"> <li>One primary advantage of using Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is that it has an almost linear time and space complexity.</li> <li>We can use this algorithm to calculate the shortest path from a single vertex to all other vertices and a single source vertex to a single destination vertex by stopping the algorithm once we get the shortest distance for the destination vertex.</li> <li>This algorithm only works for directed weighted graphs, and all the edges of this graph should be non-negative.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Despite having multiple advantages, Dijkstra&apos;s algorithm has some disadvantages also, such as:</strong> </p> <ol class="points"> <li>Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm performs a concealed exploration that utilizes a lot of time during the process.</li> <li>This algorithm is impotent to handle negative edges.</li> <li>Since this algorithm heads to the acyclic graph, it cannot calculate the exact shortest path.</li> <li>It also requires maintenance to keep a record of vertices that have been visited.</li> </ol> <h2>Some Applications of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm</h2> <p> <strong>Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm has various real-world applications, some of which are stated below:</strong> </p> <ol class="points"> <tr><td>Digital Mapping Services in Google Maps:</td> There are various times when we have tried to find the distance in Google Maps either from our location to the nearest preferred location or from one city to another, which comprises multiple routes/paths connecting them; however, the application must display the minimum distance. This is only possible because Dijkstra&apos;s algorithm helps the application find the shortest between two given locations along the path. Let us consider the USA as a graph wherein the cities/places are represented as vertices, and the routes between two cities/places are represented as edges. Then with the help of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm, we can calculate the shortest routes between any two cities/places. </tr><tr><td>Social Networking Applications:</td> In many applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, many of us might have observed that these apps suggest the list of friends that a specific user may know. How do many social media companies implement this type of feature in an efficient and effective way, specifically when the system has over a billion users? The answer to this question is Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. The standard Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is generally used to estimate the shortest distance between the users measured through the connections or mutuality among them. When social networking is very small, it uses the standard Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in addition to some other features in order to determine the shortest paths. However, when the graph is much bigger, the standard algorithm takes several seconds to count, and thus, some advanced algorithms are used as the alternative. </tr><tr><td>Telephone Network:</td> As some of us might know, in a telephone network, each transmission line has a bandwidth, &apos;b&apos;. The bandwidth is the highest frequency that the transmission line can support. In general, if the frequency of the signal is higher in a specific line, the signal is reduced by that line. Bandwidth represents the amount of information that can be transmitted by the line. Let us consider a city a graph wherein the switching stations are represented using the vertices, the transmission lines are represented as the edges, and the bandwidth, &apos;b&apos;, is represented using the weight of the edges. Thus, as we can observe, the telephone network can also fall into the category of the shortest distance problem and can be solved using Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. </tr><tr><td>Flight Program:</td> Suppose that a person requires software to prepare an agenda of flights for customers. The agent has access to a database with all flights and airports. In addition to the flight number, origin airport, and destination, the flights also have departure and arrival times. So, in order to determine the earliest arrival time for the selected destination from the original airport and given start time, the agents make use of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. </tr><tr><td>IP routing to find Open Shortest Path First:</td> Open Shortest Path First (abbreviated as OSPF) is a link-state routing protocol used to find the best path between the source and destination router with the help of its own Shortest Path First. Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is extensively utilized in the routing protocols required by the routers in order to update their forwarding table. The algorithm gives the shortest cost path from the source router to the other routers present in the network. </tr><tr><td>Robotic Path:</td> These days, drones and robots have come into existence, some operated manually and some automatically. The drones and robots which are operated automatically and used to deliver the packages to a given location or used for any certain task are configured with Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm module so that whenever the source and destination are known, the drone and robot will move in the ordered direction by following the shortest path keeping the time taken to a minimum in order to deliver the packages. </tr><tr><td>Designate the File Server:</td> Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is also used to designate a file server in a Local Area Network (LAN). Suppose that an infinite period of time is needed for the transmission of the files from one computer to another. So, to minimize the number of &apos;hops&apos; from the file server to every other computer on the network, we will use Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. This algorithm will return the shortest path between the networks resulting in the minimum number of hops. </tr></ol> <h2>The Conclusion</h2> <ul> <li>In the above tutorial, firstly, we have understood the basic concepts of Graph along with its types and applications.</li> <li>We then learned about Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm and its history.</li> <li>We have also understood the fundamental working of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm with the help of an example.</li> <li>After that, we studied how to write code for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm with the help of Pseudocode.</li> <li>We observed its implementation in programming languages like C, C++, Java, and Python with proper outputs and explanations.</li> <li>We have also understood the Time and Space Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm.</li> <li>Finally, we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Dijkstra&apos;s algorithm and some of its real-life applications.</li> </ul> <hr></nodes;></pre></size;>


U gornji isječak koda uključili smo 'iostream' i 'vektor' datoteke zaglavlja i definirali konstantnu vrijednost kao MAX_INT = 10000000 . Zatim smo upotrijebili standardni imenski prostor i napravili prototip DijkstraAlgoritam() funkcija. Zatim smo definirali glavnu funkciju programa unutar, koju smo nazvali DijkstraAlgoritam() funkcija. Nakon toga smo deklarirali neke klase za stvaranje vrhova i bridova. Također smo napravili prototip više funkcija za pronalaženje najkraćeg mogućeg puta od izvornog vrha do odredišnog vrha i instancirali klase Vertex i Edge. Zatim smo definirali obje klase za stvaranje vrhova i rubova grafa. Zatim smo definirali DijkstraAlgoritam() funkcija za izradu grafikona i izvođenje različitih operacija. Unutar ove funkcije deklarirali smo neke vrhove i bridove. Zatim smo postavili izvorni vrh grafa i pozvali Dijkstra() funkcija za pronalaženje najkraće moguće udaljenosti i Ispiši_najkraći_put_do() funkcija za ispis najkraće udaljenosti od vrha izvora do vrha 'F' . Zatim smo definirali Dijkstra() funkcija za izračunavanje najkraćih mogućih udaljenosti svih vrhova od izvornog vrha. Također smo definirali još neke funkcije za pronalaženje vrha s najkraćom udaljenosti za vraćanje svih vrhova susjednih preostalom vrhu, za vraćanje udaljenosti između dva povezana vrha, za provjeru postoji li odabrani vrh u grafu i za ispis najkraći mogući put od izvornog vrha do odredišnog vrha.

Kao rezultat, traženi najkraći put za vrh 'F' iz izvornog čvora ispisuje se za korisnike.

Kod za Dijkstrin algoritam u Javi

Slijedi implementacija Dijkstrinog algoritma u programskom jeziku Java:

Datoteka: DijkstraAlgorithm.java

 // Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Java // defining the public class for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm public class DijkstraAlgorithm { // defining the method to implement Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm public void dijkstraAlgorithm(int[][] graph, int source) { // number of nodes int nodes = graph.length; boolean[] visited_vertex = new boolean[nodes]; int[] dist = new int[nodes]; for (int i = 0; i <nodes; 0 1 i++) { visited_vertex[i]="false;" dist[i]="Integer.MAX_VALUE;" } distance of self loop is zero dist[source]="0;" for (int i="0;" < nodes; updating the between neighboring vertex and source int u="find_min_distance(dist," visited_vertex); visited_vertex[u]="true;" distances all vertices v="0;" v++) if (!visited_vertex[v] && graph[u][v] !="0" (dist[u] + dist[v])) dist[v]="dist[u]" graph[u][v]; dist.length; system.out.println(string.format(\'distance from %s to %s\', source, i, dist[i])); defining method find minimum private static find_min_distance(int[] dist, boolean[] visited_vertex) minimum_distance="Integer.MAX_VALUE;" minimum_distance_vertex="-1;" (!visited_vertex[i] minimum_distance) return minimum_distance_vertex; main function public void main(string[] args) declaring nodes graphs graph[][]="new" int[][] 0, 1, 2, }, 3, }; instantiating dijkstraalgorithm() class dijkstraalgorithm test="new" dijkstraalgorithm(); calling shortest node destination test.dijkstraalgorithm(graph, 0); pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 0 is 0 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 1 is 1 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 2 is 1 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 3 is 2 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 4 is 4 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 5 is 4 Distance from Vertex 0 to Vertex 6 is 3 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> </p> <p>In the above snippet of code, we have defined a public class as <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> . Inside this class, we have defined a public method as <strong>dijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> to find the shortest distance from the source vertex to the destination vertex. Inside this method, we have defined a variable to store the number of nodes. We have then defined a Boolean array to store the information regarding the visited vertices and an integer array to store their respective distances. Initially, we declared the values in both the arrays as <strong>False</strong> and <strong>MAX_VALUE</strong> , respectively. We have also set the distance of the source vertex as zero and used the <strong>for-loop</strong> to update the distance between the source vertex and destination vertices with the minimum distance. We have then updated the distances of the neighboring vertices of the selected vertex by performing relaxation and printed the shortest distances for every vertex. We have then defined a method to find the minimum distance from the source vertex to the destination vertex. We then defined the main function where we declared the vertices of the graph and instantiated the <strong>DijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> class. Finally, we have called the <strong>dijkstraAlgorithm()</strong> method to find the shortest distance between the source vertex and the destination vertices.</p> <p>As a result, the required shortest possible paths for every node from the source node are printed for the users.</p> <h3>Code for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Python</h3> <p>The following is the implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in the Python Programming Language:</p> <p> <strong>File: DikstraAlgorithm.py</strong> </p> <pre> # Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Python # importing the sys module import sys # declaring the list of nodes for the graph nodes = [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ] # declaring the list of edges for the graph edges = [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0], [1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0], [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ] # defining the function to find which node is to be visited next def toBeVisited(): global visitedAndDistance v = -10 for index in range(numberOfNodes): if visitedAndDistance[index][0] == 0 and (v <0 1 or visitedanddistance[index][1] <="visitedAndDistance[v][1]):" v="index" return # finding the number of nodes in graph numberofnodes="len(nodes[0])" visitedanddistance="[[0," 0]] for i range(numberofnodes - 1): visitedanddistance.append([0, sys.maxsize]) node range(numberofnodes): next to be visited tovisit="toBeVisited()" neighborindex updating new distances if nodes[tovisit][neighborindex]="=" and visitedanddistance[neighborindex][0]="=" 0: newdistance="visitedAndDistance[toVisit][1]" + edges[tovisit][neighborindex] visitedanddistance[neighborindex][1]> newDistance: visitedAndDistance[neighborIndex][1] = newDistance visitedAndDistance[toVisit][0] = 1 i = 0 # printing the distance for distance in visitedAndDistance: print(&apos;Distance of&apos;, chr(ord(&apos;A&apos;) + i), &apos;from source node:&apos;, distance[1]) i = i + 1 </0></pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Distance of A from source node: 0 Distance of B from source node: 3 Distance of C from source node: 1 Distance of D from source node: 2 Distance of E from source node: 2 Distance of F from source node: 4 Distance of G from source node: 3 </pre> <p> <strong>Explanation:</strong> </p> <p>In the above snippet of code, we have imported the <strong>sys</strong> module and declared the lists consisting of the values for the nodes and edges. We have then defined a function as <strong>toBeVisited()</strong> to find which node will be visited next. We then found the total number of nodes in the graph and set the initial distances for every node. We have then calculated the minimum distance from the source node to the destination node, performed relaxation on neighboring nodes, and updated the distances in the list. We then printed those distances from the list for the users.</p> <p>As a result, the required shortest possible paths for every node from the source node are printed for the users.</p> <h2>Time and Space Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm</h2> <ul> <li>The Time Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is <strong>O(E log V)</strong> , where E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices.</li> <li>The Space Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is O(V), where V is the number of vertices.</li> </ul> <h2>Advantages and Disadvantages of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm</h2> <p> <strong>Let us discuss some advantages of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm:</strong> </p> <ol class="points"> <li>One primary advantage of using Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is that it has an almost linear time and space complexity.</li> <li>We can use this algorithm to calculate the shortest path from a single vertex to all other vertices and a single source vertex to a single destination vertex by stopping the algorithm once we get the shortest distance for the destination vertex.</li> <li>This algorithm only works for directed weighted graphs, and all the edges of this graph should be non-negative.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Despite having multiple advantages, Dijkstra&apos;s algorithm has some disadvantages also, such as:</strong> </p> <ol class="points"> <li>Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm performs a concealed exploration that utilizes a lot of time during the process.</li> <li>This algorithm is impotent to handle negative edges.</li> <li>Since this algorithm heads to the acyclic graph, it cannot calculate the exact shortest path.</li> <li>It also requires maintenance to keep a record of vertices that have been visited.</li> </ol> <h2>Some Applications of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm</h2> <p> <strong>Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm has various real-world applications, some of which are stated below:</strong> </p> <ol class="points"> <tr><td>Digital Mapping Services in Google Maps:</td> There are various times when we have tried to find the distance in Google Maps either from our location to the nearest preferred location or from one city to another, which comprises multiple routes/paths connecting them; however, the application must display the minimum distance. This is only possible because Dijkstra&apos;s algorithm helps the application find the shortest between two given locations along the path. Let us consider the USA as a graph wherein the cities/places are represented as vertices, and the routes between two cities/places are represented as edges. Then with the help of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm, we can calculate the shortest routes between any two cities/places. </tr><tr><td>Social Networking Applications:</td> In many applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, many of us might have observed that these apps suggest the list of friends that a specific user may know. How do many social media companies implement this type of feature in an efficient and effective way, specifically when the system has over a billion users? The answer to this question is Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. The standard Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is generally used to estimate the shortest distance between the users measured through the connections or mutuality among them. When social networking is very small, it uses the standard Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in addition to some other features in order to determine the shortest paths. However, when the graph is much bigger, the standard algorithm takes several seconds to count, and thus, some advanced algorithms are used as the alternative. </tr><tr><td>Telephone Network:</td> As some of us might know, in a telephone network, each transmission line has a bandwidth, &apos;b&apos;. The bandwidth is the highest frequency that the transmission line can support. In general, if the frequency of the signal is higher in a specific line, the signal is reduced by that line. Bandwidth represents the amount of information that can be transmitted by the line. Let us consider a city a graph wherein the switching stations are represented using the vertices, the transmission lines are represented as the edges, and the bandwidth, &apos;b&apos;, is represented using the weight of the edges. Thus, as we can observe, the telephone network can also fall into the category of the shortest distance problem and can be solved using Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. </tr><tr><td>Flight Program:</td> Suppose that a person requires software to prepare an agenda of flights for customers. The agent has access to a database with all flights and airports. In addition to the flight number, origin airport, and destination, the flights also have departure and arrival times. So, in order to determine the earliest arrival time for the selected destination from the original airport and given start time, the agents make use of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. </tr><tr><td>IP routing to find Open Shortest Path First:</td> Open Shortest Path First (abbreviated as OSPF) is a link-state routing protocol used to find the best path between the source and destination router with the help of its own Shortest Path First. Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is extensively utilized in the routing protocols required by the routers in order to update their forwarding table. The algorithm gives the shortest cost path from the source router to the other routers present in the network. </tr><tr><td>Robotic Path:</td> These days, drones and robots have come into existence, some operated manually and some automatically. The drones and robots which are operated automatically and used to deliver the packages to a given location or used for any certain task are configured with Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm module so that whenever the source and destination are known, the drone and robot will move in the ordered direction by following the shortest path keeping the time taken to a minimum in order to deliver the packages. </tr><tr><td>Designate the File Server:</td> Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm is also used to designate a file server in a Local Area Network (LAN). Suppose that an infinite period of time is needed for the transmission of the files from one computer to another. So, to minimize the number of &apos;hops&apos; from the file server to every other computer on the network, we will use Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm. This algorithm will return the shortest path between the networks resulting in the minimum number of hops. </tr></ol> <h2>The Conclusion</h2> <ul> <li>In the above tutorial, firstly, we have understood the basic concepts of Graph along with its types and applications.</li> <li>We then learned about Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm and its history.</li> <li>We have also understood the fundamental working of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm with the help of an example.</li> <li>After that, we studied how to write code for Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm with the help of Pseudocode.</li> <li>We observed its implementation in programming languages like C, C++, Java, and Python with proper outputs and explanations.</li> <li>We have also understood the Time and Space Complexity of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm.</li> <li>Finally, we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Dijkstra&apos;s algorithm and some of its real-life applications.</li> </ul> <hr></nodes;>


U gornjem isječku koda definirali smo javnu klasu kao DijkstraAlgoritam() . Unutar ove klase definirali smo javnu metodu kao dijkstraAlgoritam() pronaći najkraću udaljenost od izvornog vrha do odredišnog vrha. Unutar ove metode definirali smo varijablu za pohranjivanje broja čvorova. Zatim smo definirali Booleov niz za pohranjivanje informacija o posjećenim vrhovima i niz cjelobrojnih brojeva za pohranjivanje njihovih pojedinačnih udaljenosti. U početku smo vrijednosti u oba polja deklarirali kao lažno i MAX_VALUE , odnosno. Također smo postavili udaljenost izvorišnog vrha na nulu i upotrijebili for-petlja za ažuriranje udaljenosti između izvorišnog vrha i odredišnog vrha s minimalnom udaljenošću. Zatim smo ažurirali udaljenosti susjednih vrhova odabranog vrha relaksacijom i ispisali najkraće udaljenosti za svaki vrh. Zatim smo definirali metodu za pronalaženje minimalne udaljenosti od izvornog vrha do odredišnog vrha. Zatim smo definirali glavnu funkciju gdje smo deklarirali vrhove grafa i instancirali DijkstraAlgoritam() razreda. Napokon smo pozvali dijkstraAlgoritam() metoda za pronalaženje najkraće udaljenosti između izvornog vrha i odredišnog vrha.

Kao rezultat, potrebni najkraći mogući putovi za svaki čvor od izvornog čvora ispisuju se za korisnike.

Kod za Dijkstrin algoritam u Pythonu

Slijedi implementacija Dijkstrinog algoritma u programskom jeziku Python:

Datoteka: DikstraAlgorithm.py

 # Implementation of Dijkstra&apos;s Algorithm in Python # importing the sys module import sys # declaring the list of nodes for the graph nodes = [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ] # declaring the list of edges for the graph edges = [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0], [1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0], [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ] # defining the function to find which node is to be visited next def toBeVisited(): global visitedAndDistance v = -10 for index in range(numberOfNodes): if visitedAndDistance[index][0] == 0 and (v <0 1 or visitedanddistance[index][1] <="visitedAndDistance[v][1]):" v="index" return # finding the number of nodes in graph numberofnodes="len(nodes[0])" visitedanddistance="[[0," 0]] for i range(numberofnodes - 1): visitedanddistance.append([0, sys.maxsize]) node range(numberofnodes): next to be visited tovisit="toBeVisited()" neighborindex updating new distances if nodes[tovisit][neighborindex]="=" and visitedanddistance[neighborindex][0]="=" 0: newdistance="visitedAndDistance[toVisit][1]" + edges[tovisit][neighborindex] visitedanddistance[neighborindex][1]> newDistance: visitedAndDistance[neighborIndex][1] = newDistance visitedAndDistance[toVisit][0] = 1 i = 0 # printing the distance for distance in visitedAndDistance: print(&apos;Distance of&apos;, chr(ord(&apos;A&apos;) + i), &apos;from source node:&apos;, distance[1]) i = i + 1 </0>


 Distance of A from source node: 0 Distance of B from source node: 3 Distance of C from source node: 1 Distance of D from source node: 2 Distance of E from source node: 2 Distance of F from source node: 4 Distance of G from source node: 3 


U gornjem isječku koda uvezli smo sustav modul i deklarirao popise koji se sastoje od vrijednosti za čvorove i rubove. Zatim smo definirali funkciju kao biti posjećen() kako biste pronašli koji će čvor biti sljedeći posjećen. Zatim smo pronašli ukupan broj čvorova u grafu i postavili početne udaljenosti za svaki čvor. Zatim smo izračunali minimalnu udaljenost od izvornog čvora do odredišnog čvora, izvršili opuštanje na susjednim čvorovima i ažurirali udaljenosti na popisu. Zatim smo ispisali te udaljenosti s popisa za korisnike.

Kao rezultat, potrebni najkraći mogući putovi za svaki čvor od izvornog čvora ispisuju se za korisnike.

Vremenska i prostorna složenost Dijkstrinog algoritma

  • Vremenska složenost Dijkstrinog algoritma je O(E log V) , gdje je E broj bridova, a V broj vrhova.
  • Prostorna složenost Dijkstrinog algoritma je O(V), gdje je V broj vrhova.

Prednosti i nedostaci Dijkstrinog algoritma

Razmotrimo neke prednosti Dijkstrinog algoritma:

  1. Jedna primarna prednost korištenja Dijkstrinog algoritma je ta da ima gotovo linearnu vremensku i prostornu složenost.
  2. Ovaj algoritam možemo koristiti za izračunavanje najkraćeg puta od jednog vrha do svih ostalih vrhova i jednog izvornog vrha do jednog odredišnog vrha zaustavljanjem algoritma kada dobijemo najkraću udaljenost za odredišni vrh.
  3. Ovaj algoritam radi samo za usmjerene težinske grafove, a svi rubovi ovog grafa trebaju biti nenegativni.

Unatoč brojnim prednostima, Dijkstrin algoritam ima i neke nedostatke, kao što su:

  1. Dijkstrin algoritam izvodi skriveno istraživanje koje koristi mnogo vremena tijekom procesa.
  2. Ovaj algoritam je nemoćan nositi se s negativnim rubovima.
  3. Budući da ovaj algoritam vodi do acikličkog grafa, ne može izračunati točan najkraći put.
  4. Također zahtijeva održavanje za vođenje evidencije vrhova koji su posjećeni.

Neke primjene Dijkstrinog algoritma

Dijkstrin algoritam ima različite primjene u stvarnom svijetu, od kojih su neke navedene u nastavku:

    Usluge digitalnog mapiranja u Google kartama:Postoje različiti trenuci kada smo pokušali pronaći udaljenost u Google kartama ili od naše lokacije do najbliže željene lokacije ili od jednog grada do drugog, što se sastoji od više ruta/staza koje ih povezuju; međutim, aplikacija mora prikazati minimalnu udaljenost. To je moguće samo zato što Dijkstrin algoritam pomaže aplikaciji pronaći najkraću između dvije zadane lokacije na putu. Razmotrimo SAD kao graf u kojem su gradovi/mjesta predstavljeni kao vrhovi, a rute između dva grada/mjesta kao rubovi. Zatim uz pomoć Dijkstrinog algoritma možemo izračunati najkraće rute između bilo koja dva grada/mjesta.Aplikacije za društveno umrežavanje:U mnogim aplikacijama poput Facebooka, Twittera, Instagrama i drugih, mnogi od nas su možda primijetili da te aplikacije predlažu popis prijatelja koje bi određeni korisnik mogao poznavati. Kako mnoge tvrtke društvenih medija implementiraju ovu vrstu značajke na učinkovit i djelotvoran način, posebno kada sustav ima više od milijardu korisnika? Odgovor na ovo pitanje je Dijkstrin algoritam. Standardni Dijkstrin algoritam općenito se koristi za procjenu najkraće udaljenosti između korisnika izmjerene kroz povezanost ili uzajamnost među njima. Kada je društveno umrežavanje vrlo malo, ono koristi standardni Dijkstrin algoritam uz neke druge značajke kako bi se odredile najkraće staze. Međutim, kada je graf puno veći, standardnom algoritmu potrebno je nekoliko sekundi za brojanje, pa se neki napredni algoritmi koriste kao alternativa.Telefonska mreža:Kao što neki od nas možda znaju, u telefonskoj mreži svaka prijenosna linija ima propusnost, 'b'. Širina pojasa je najveća frekvencija koju prijenosna linija može podržati. Općenito, ako je frekvencija signala veća u određenoj liniji, signal se smanjuje za tu liniju. Širina pojasa predstavlja količinu informacija koja se može prenijeti linijom. Razmotrimo grad kao graf u kojem su komutacijske stanice predstavljene pomoću vrhova, dalekovodi su predstavljeni kao rubovi, a širina pojasa, 'b', predstavljena je pomoću težine rubova. Stoga, kao što možemo primijetiti, telefonska mreža također može spadati u kategoriju problema najkraće udaljenosti i može se riješiti pomoću Dijkstrinog algoritma.Program leta:Pretpostavimo da je osobi potreban softver za pripremu rasporeda letova za klijente. Agent ima pristup bazi podataka sa svim letovima i zračnim lukama. Uz broj leta, polaznu zračnu luku i odredište, letovi također imaju vrijeme polaska i dolaska. Dakle, kako bi se odredilo najranije vrijeme dolaska za odabranu destinaciju iz izvorne zračne luke i zadano vrijeme početka, agenti koriste Dijkstrin algoritam.IP usmjeravanje za pronalaženje najkraćeg otvorenog puta:Prvo otvori najkraći put (skraćeno OSPF) je protokol usmjeravanja stanja veze koji se koristi za pronalaženje najboljeg puta između izvornog i odredišnog usmjerivača uz pomoć vlastitog protokola Prvo najkraći put. Dijkstrin algoritam se intenzivno koristi u protokolima usmjeravanja koje usmjerivači zahtijevaju kako bi ažurirali svoju tablicu prosljeđivanja. Algoritam daje najkraći troškovni put od izvornog usmjerivača do ostalih usmjerivača prisutnih u mreži.Robotski put:Danas su se pojavili dronovi i roboti, nekima se upravlja ručno, a nekima automatski. Dronovi i roboti kojima se upravlja automatski i koriste se za dostavu paketa na zadanu lokaciju ili se koriste za bilo koji određeni zadatak konfigurirani su s Dijkstra's Algorithm modulom tako da kad god su izvor i odredište poznati, dron i robot će se kretati u naređenom smjeru slijedeći najkraći put svodeći na minimum vrijeme potrebno za isporuku paketa.Odredite poslužitelj datoteka:Dijkstrin algoritam također se koristi za označavanje poslužitelja datoteka u lokalnoj mreži (LAN). Pretpostavimo da je za prijenos datoteka s jednog računala na drugo potrebno beskonačno vrijeme. Dakle, kako bismo smanjili broj 'skokova' s poslužitelja datoteka na svako drugo računalo na mreži, koristit ćemo se Dijkstrinim algoritmom. Ovaj algoritam će vratiti najkraći put između mreža što rezultira minimalnim brojem skokova.


  • U gornjem vodiču, prvo smo razumjeli osnovne koncepte Grapha zajedno s njegovim vrstama i primjenama.
  • Zatim smo učili o Dijkstrinom algoritmu i njegovoj povijesti.
  • Također smo uz pomoć primjera razumjeli temeljni rad Dijkstrinog algoritma.
  • Nakon toga smo proučavali kako napisati kod za Dijkstraov algoritam uz pomoć Pseudokoda.
  • Promatrali smo njegovu implementaciju u programskim jezicima kao što su C, C++, Java i Python s odgovarajućim rezultatima i objašnjenjima.
  • Također smo razumjeli vremensku i prostornu složenost Dijkstrinog algoritma.
  • Konačno, raspravljali smo o prednostima i nedostacima Dijkstrinog algoritma i nekim njegovim primjenama u stvarnom životu.