
Camel slučaj na Javi

Java slijedi sintaksu velikih i malih slova za imenovanje klasa, sučelja, metoda i varijabli. Ako se ime kombinira s dvije riječi, druga riječ će uvijek započeti velikim slovom, kao što su maxMarks(), prezime, ClassTest, uklanjajući sve razmake.

Postoje dva načina korištenja Camel case-a:

  1. Mala slovna slova gdje je prvi znak prve riječi malim slovom. Ova se konvencija obično slijedi pri imenovanju metoda i varijabli. Primjer, Ime, Prezime, Događaj radnje, printArray(), itd.
  2. Velika deva velika slova poznata i kao naslovna velika slova, gdje je prvi znak prve riječi velikim slovima. Ova se konvencija obično slijedi pri imenovanju klasa i sučelja. Na primjer, Employee, Printable itd.

Pretvaranje normalnog niza u kamilu

Niz se može pretvoriti u konvenciju malih ili velikih malih slova samo uklanjanjem razmaka iz niza.

Primjer malih slova:

Ulazni: JavaTpoint je najbolje mjesto s uputama za programske jezike.

Izlaz: javaTpointIsTheBestTutorialSiteForProgrammingLanguages.

Primjer velikih malih slova:

Ulazni: ovo je java tutorial

Izlaz: OvoJeJavaTutorial


  1. Prelazi niz znakova znak po znak dok ne dođe do kraja.
  2. Prvo slovo niza na indeksu = 0 se ili pretvara u mala slova (kada slijede mala slova) ili u velika slova (kada slijede velika slova).
  3. Niz se provjerava ima li razmaka, a slovo koje slijedi odmah nakon razmaka pretvara se u veliko slovo.
  4. Ako se naiđe na znak koji nije razmak, on se kopira u rezultirajuće polje.

Implementirajmo algoritam u Java program.

A. Pretvaranje niza u mala slova


 public class LowerCamel { // function to convert the string into lower camel case static String convertString( String s ) { // to keep track of spaces int ctr = 0 ; // variable to hold the length of the string int n = s.length( ) ; // converting the string expression to character array char ch[ ] = s.toCharArray( ) ; // keep track of indices of ch[ ] array int c = 0 ; // traversing through each character of the array for ( int i = 0; i <n; 0 1 i++ ) { the first position of array i.e., letter must be converted to lower case as we are following camel in this program if( i="=" converting using tolowercase( in-built function ch[ ]="Character.toLowerCase(" ; need remove all spaces between, check for empty if ( ' incrementing space counter by ctr++ immediately after upper + continue loop } is not encountered simply copy character else c++ size new string will reduced have been removed thus, returning with return string.valueof( ch, 0, n - ctr driver code public static void main( args[ passing name a method str="Max Marks()" system.out.println( convertstring( variable str1="Last name" str2="JavaTpoint is the best tutorial site for programming languages." < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> maxMarks() lastName javaTpointIsTheBestTutorialSiteForProgrammingLanguages. </pre> <h3>B. Converting String to Upper Camel Case</h3> <p> <strong>UpperCamel.java</strong> </p> <pre> public class UpperCamel { // function to convert the string into upper camel case static String convertString( String s ) { // to keep track of spaces int ctr = 0 ; // variable to hold the length of the string int n = s.length( ) ; // converting the string expression to character array char ch[ ] = s.toCharArray( ) ; // // keep track of indices of ch[ ] array int c = 0 ; // traversing through each character of the array for ( int i = 0; i <n; 0 1 i++ ) { the first position of array i.e., letter must be converted to upper case. we checked this before second if statement as that is executed only when it encounters space and, there no a string. if( i="=" converting case using touppercase( in-built function ch[ ]="Character.toUpperCase(" ; need remove all spaces in between, check for empty ( ' incrementing counter by ctr++ immediately after + 1] continue loop } not encountered simply copy character else c++ new string will reduced have been removed thus returning with size return string.valueof( ch, 0, n - ctr driver code public static void main( args[ passing name method str="class test" system.out.println( convertstring( variable str1="employee" str2="this is the java tutorial" system.out.println(convertstring( < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> ClassTest Employee ThisIsTheJavaTutorial </pre> <hr></n;></pre></n;>

B. Pretvaranje niza u velika slova

Gornja deva.java

 public class UpperCamel { // function to convert the string into upper camel case static String convertString( String s ) { // to keep track of spaces int ctr = 0 ; // variable to hold the length of the string int n = s.length( ) ; // converting the string expression to character array char ch[ ] = s.toCharArray( ) ; // // keep track of indices of ch[ ] array int c = 0 ; // traversing through each character of the array for ( int i = 0; i <n; 0 1 i++ ) { the first position of array i.e., letter must be converted to upper case. we checked this before second if statement as that is executed only when it encounters space and, there no a string. if( i="=" converting case using touppercase( in-built function ch[ ]="Character.toUpperCase(" ; need remove all spaces in between, check for empty ( \' incrementing counter by ctr++ immediately after + 1] continue loop } not encountered simply copy character else c++ new string will reduced have been removed thus returning with size return string.valueof( ch, 0, n - ctr driver code public static void main( args[ passing name method str="class test" system.out.println( convertstring( variable str1="employee" str2="this is the java tutorial" system.out.println(convertstring( < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <pre> ClassTest Employee ThisIsTheJavaTutorial </pre> <hr></n;>